Thursday, September 8, 2011

Rewind: DAY ONE!

So, after completely blowing my Raw diet Sunday and Monday after only three days success. I sat and thought for a few days, toyed with my food, keeping at about 80% raw, and basically feeling like a complete and utter failure.

I didn't fail.
I learned my limitations.

I know staying RAW during Ohio's extreme's in weather is going to be difficult. I wasn't prepared for just how difficult. I think warm liquids are the answer and so have spent my time searching for raw drinks and soups to warm my body and soul. I am fairly anxious to try some of them...

But that will have to wait until I finish eating all of the mangoes, tomatoes, and melons, I bought for the next week or so...

Today I am going RAW...AGAIN! I am Meditating, Visualizing Success, and still watching Motivational YouTube Videos. I love Dan the Man...he struck a cord with me...he may or may not move you. Here is one of his videos:

How To Start A Raw Food Diet Today

I like Dan's simplistic approach.

In other news, HUBBY is now COMPLETELY ON BOARD!!!!!!
He isn't promising 100% raw, but he is willing to eat all-raw meals with me, and after sitting and holding my hand while I cried for two days over being such a pathetic loser (I know I'm not I think he's relieved I'm giving it one more go-around. I also asked him to be my raw-police in addition to being my MSG-police, since he does such an awesome job protecting me from MSG. Now he's being entrusted to protect me all forms of cooked food. Wish Me/Us Luck!!!

Today's Food Breakdown:

Breakfast: 150 Cal, 5.0 fat
8 Almonds
Hot Tea - an English Breakfast blend (I'll limit this one because it does have caffeine, but as far as warming the soul goes...this one is nice:)
24 ounces water - after, not during the meal

Lunch: 45 Cal, 0.8 fat
Heirloom Tomatoes
3 Ginger Carrot Crackers
24 ounces water - after, not during the meal

Snack: 115 cal, 0.1 fat
Orange Juice

Dinner: 250 Cal, 16.8 fat
Stuffed and Dehydrated Spicy Portabella Mushrooms and Mimi Kirk's Raw Caesar Salad  
24 ounces water - after, not during the meal

Total: 560 cal, 22.7 fat or 39% 

Food Summary:
The fat intake today is a disaster. Even when I was eating meat and cheese I never topped 28%. So this is bad. How am I ever going to maintain a less than 10% fat diet if every raw recipe calls for a bazillion nuts?
Time to do some nut research and see if the types of fat in nuts will make my RA go as crazy as the fat in meat and cheese...

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