Wednesday, December 19, 2012

How to get rid of COOKED FOOD CRAVINGS 10 tips

Freelee gives some amazing advise. Pay attention.
And when she says "carbs" she means FRUIT... not pasta, not mashed potatoes...

Monday, December 10, 2012

Do over... Yes, please

Okay... here's some tough self talk for you... "This isn't WORKING!"
And the truth of it...My mostly raw diet has been flagging up and down: 95% raw to 80% to 90% to 75%... and this is daily.

Yes, my health has improved dramatically!! (no cane! weight loss 65#, lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure!) I should be thrilled... and I am. I can hike (something my RA Dr said I would never do again) I can even attend a belly dance class once a week (although honestly I have a three day joint recovery time)...

My guts are a disaster...
Chronic Constipation is my new norm... as I told my Dr. if I "go" within a 21-day period ...I'm ecstatic.
He assured me this is a REAL problem and promptly prescribed a laxative to take every day for the rest of my life if need be...

I do not want to rely on an artificial chemical to fix my body.
Maybe I'm being stubborn...

And the truth is... I want more. I want to be pain-free EVERY DAY. I want No-More joint flares AND a Normal, Healthy Gastro-Intestinal tract.

I want to feel less stressed about my health daily so I can start feeling vibrant and SEXY again. I want to be STRONG enough to run 5-K marathons, and go rock climbing without risk of backlash

Asking too much? I don't think so... I've already seen so much improvement in my life as a result to diet changes, I know I am on the right track!

With determination, I ordered 80-10-10.
For motivation I started watching DurianRider and FreeLee on YouTube...who recommend taking
80-10-10 one step further to a 90-5-5, by eating only fruit!

And today I started over, to conquer my health issues once and for all by going FRUITARIAN. I know, it's extreme...