I love thai rice... it's black, it's shiny, it's yummy... what's not to love? And this recipe came from total determination to recreate my favorite local deli salad since I have sworn off all restaurant fare until my allergies are under control. (Since Many of the MSG-sensitivity symptoms are identical to RA symptoms I need to know which pirate captain is controlling this wayward ship of my body) Anyway, the results of trial and error were well worth it and if I if say so myself actually rival the deli-version I so love...
Thai Rice Salad

1 cp black thai rice
Sesame seed oil in pan toss with 2 cloves cliced garlic and quarter large onion diced
Boil in 2 cps water –reduce heat and simmer 30 min
Salt, Pepper,
¼ cp Tamari Sauce
2 tsp sesame oil
Juice 2 key limes
1 tsp korean hot sauce
1 cp chopped cashews
½ red pepper diced
½ yellow pepper diced
Handful sweet potatoe sticks diced
Mix together – add rice refrigerate or serve warm
**The photo is awful, the salad is amazing. Try it, you won't be disappointed:)
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