Monday, January 9, 2012

Why Does The RAW Food/Living Food Diet Heal?

Medical professionals and Scientists seem stumped. My RA doctor and family practitioner believe that I am experiencing a remission that is a fluke... as they both summed up in their own words "Sometimes it happens but don't expect it (feeling better) to last."

Oh, I expect it will last... as long as I remain >90% raw vegan, <10% fat, rare use of oil, grains, nuts, or seeds

So why do I think raw food works? Same reason as most raw foodists who have seen miracles:

1. Easier and Faster Digestion: Fact is that only the enzymes available in living foods are capable of aiding in digestion. All health or illness begins in the intestine (aside from trauma).

2. Raw food is full of antioxidants, simple sugars, enzymes, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals in their most digestible and utilizable form. Which provides more energy for being active. Active people are generally healthier people.

3. The high alkalinity, high water content, high fiber in living foods cleanse and heal.

4. Raw foodists AVOID toxins and pesticides, choosing organic and local first. A local, organic diet is healthier.

And lets face it... being thinner, leaner, more active, more muscular, full of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, and empty of high fat, artery and intestinal clogging foods... is there any doubt?

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