Thursday, November 24, 2011

One Holiday Down...

This is the first year ever that I can say that I got through an entire holiday gathering with friends and family and did not succumb to cooked food! I STAYED RAW!

I feel like I have crossed a major milestone in my journey.

I took my own dinner...three different salads...warning the cook (my mother-in-law) in advance so that she wouldn't be offended. Aside from everyone wanting to know "what'cha eating?" and "why?" and and explaining the reasons and benefits several times, the meal was uneventful.

I think everyone felt sorry for me because I wasn't pigging out on all the dead flesh and trimmings...and about an hour after we finished I felt sorry for them because they were rummaging in their bags and medicine cabinet for antacids and anti gas medications...

I call this holiday a SUCCESS in a big way!

Best yet, today marked one month RA medication and pain reliever free on the calendar and I feel great! Today I hiked over three miles in the woods. And to think, this time last ear I was lucky to manage a trip from the couch to the bathroom without my cane or assistance...

So happy I found the Raw Food Diet!!

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