Wednesday, December 19, 2012

How to get rid of COOKED FOOD CRAVINGS 10 tips

Freelee gives some amazing advise. Pay attention.
And when she says "carbs" she means FRUIT... not pasta, not mashed potatoes...

Monday, December 10, 2012

Do over... Yes, please

Okay... here's some tough self talk for you... "This isn't WORKING!"
And the truth of it...My mostly raw diet has been flagging up and down: 95% raw to 80% to 90% to 75%... and this is daily.

Yes, my health has improved dramatically!! (no cane! weight loss 65#, lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure!) I should be thrilled... and I am. I can hike (something my RA Dr said I would never do again) I can even attend a belly dance class once a week (although honestly I have a three day joint recovery time)...

My guts are a disaster...
Chronic Constipation is my new norm... as I told my Dr. if I "go" within a 21-day period ...I'm ecstatic.
He assured me this is a REAL problem and promptly prescribed a laxative to take every day for the rest of my life if need be...

I do not want to rely on an artificial chemical to fix my body.
Maybe I'm being stubborn...

And the truth is... I want more. I want to be pain-free EVERY DAY. I want No-More joint flares AND a Normal, Healthy Gastro-Intestinal tract.

I want to feel less stressed about my health daily so I can start feeling vibrant and SEXY again. I want to be STRONG enough to run 5-K marathons, and go rock climbing without risk of backlash

Asking too much? I don't think so... I've already seen so much improvement in my life as a result to diet changes, I know I am on the right track!

With determination, I ordered 80-10-10.
For motivation I started watching DurianRider and FreeLee on YouTube...who recommend taking
80-10-10 one step further to a 90-5-5, by eating only fruit!

And today I started over, to conquer my health issues once and for all by going FRUITARIAN. I know, it's extreme...


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

5 Meals In 6 Minutes

I wanted to post this video by Paul Risse because it shows just how easy being raw is... I would say a little extra time beyond his six minutes for food prep, but seriously fairly quick and easy!

Because of this video I am going to more fully investigate chia seeds...I've written out seeds from my diet because of the crazy imbalance of my intestines. Problems I am facing involve supplementation. Over the last 3 years I've supplemented too much. Protein powder, Fiber powder, Calcium pills, Magnesium Pills, Iron, Omega-3 (which always taste horrid so I don't supplement enough) and Vit-B liquid ... and I've been investigating using food vs supplements, but finding highly saturated raw sources is a bit daunting. Chia seeds seem to fit a part of the program, having an extremely high concentration of omega-3 acids—even more than salmon. One serving size includes 18 percent of recommended daily calcium and four grams of protein, and they are a great source of fiber... I'll let you know what my guts think of the plan.

And...because of this video I am going to add some baby kale to my smoothies and salads. I love kale chips and even Kale Salad with a sesame, Tamari, Orange dressing... I'd honestly thought of adding baby kale to my smoothies. Read this article on the benefits of kale: 9 health benefits of kale.

I already dropped the iron supplement... nothing worse than an already troubled colon that already refuses to work well being forced into an artificially created situation where it refuses to work at all... and have replaced said supplement ( in only a week ago) because of an anemia-related health scare. I've added bee pollen granules which negates me being able to say I'm vegan...but my overall health is more important to me than being labeled. I obtained mine from at a local farmers market from a reputable bee keeper. When ordering online. Look for Raw, Organic, and entirely US origin obtained (unless you live in another country and then get your pollen from that source.) Obtaining as close to local as possible is important, whether it is for raw honey or pollen granules. Also, if you are new too bee products always, always, do a sensitivity test before using the product. Allow one granule to dissolve completely under your tongue. If you have bee sensitivities not use at all.

I previously discussed Vitamin B supplementation here: Why Vitamin B Supplementation 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Reporting from the Battlefield: THANKSGIVING

Every year the holidays come around with all the required and assorted family and friend gatherings. If you, like me, are struggling, struggling, struggling... every avoid temptation, there is no worse calamity than going to "Mom's" or "Grandma's"... after all, they cooked extravagant meals that took all day if not days to prepare... am I really expected to say "No!" to all that yumminess? They won't understand, right? I will hurt their feelings...(right?) So much food will go to waste... (right?)

There, my friend, you are on your own... and you can make excuses day and night... but I can share my experiences... before the next round of feasts begin.

Last year I was new to the raw lifestyle and I knew I had to stand strong and committed...FOR MY HEALTH... FOR MY LIFE... and anywhere I went, I took my own raw meals and an large extra bowl to share...

I survived all of the holidays... without cheating... explained why I was eating "this weird and crazy diet" and wound up hurting no ones feelings in doing so... everyone understood, and were even curious about the dishes I'd brought. I was asked for "recipes"!! It was a great day of caring and sharing...
and I lost an additional 12 pounds.

This year, I decided to see if a single day, would make a difference... my intent was to enjoy a small meal (mashed potatoes, fresh corn, and fresh green beans) along with my giant brought from home salad... and I did eat small spoonfuls of all those things. I also opened Pandora's box. I ate a few homemade dumplings, and ate a slice of butterscotch pie. AND MY INTESTINES TOLD ME I WAS AN IDIOT IMMEDIATELY.  My joints took 12 hours to join the hate party going strong in my body. A hate party that is still going strong four days later...

Did my joining in the meal this year make me feel any more welcome or part of the family/festivities than last year? No...

So why do it?
Lesson Learned: There is no reason to "eat to fit in" ... a five minute tastebud orgasm is not worth a week of pain and travelling backward in the way of progress.I will be a raw-meal toting fool every day in my future...


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Chocolate, Cheese, Meat, and Sugar -- Physically Addictive

Anyone can ask me what the hardest part of raw is and i will tell them: PIZZA
Why? Bread and Cheese has always been the perfect food for me. For pizza you could substitute grilled cheese, cheese quesadilla...

So the information at this site has really helped:

Here is a quote:
(begin quote)
 "Learn more about food addictions
To learn more about the chemical effects of how casein turns into casomorphins, you may want to Google Dr. Neal Barnard or Dr. Bill Harris, both of whom are medical doctors that I have heard speak to this topic.  
You can also watch Dr. Neal Barnard’s lectures on addictive foods and cheese on this page above or read his book Breaking the Food Seduction, where he also addresses the topic.  
To learn more about how to clean out your taste buds for a lifetime of good health using the 30 Day Vegan Challenge you may also refer to my book, Vegan in 30 Days.  
Best of success!"(end quote)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fighting Inflammation With Food Choices

Inflammation causes disease, inflammation exaspereates disease, so why not fight it with all we've got?
"In Garden Variety Anti-Inflammation I detail some recent studies that looked at disease risk and the variety of fruit and vegetable consumption. Researchers found no difference in inflammation between those eating 6 servings of vegetables a day and those eating 2 servings, but those eating the more variety—even if they didn’t necessarily eat greater overall quantities—ended up with significantly less inflammation in their bodies. This supports the American Heart Association’s latest dietary guidelines, which, for the first time, added a recommendation for also eating a variety of fruits and vegetables."

short video:
Fighting Inflammation With Food Synergy |

Friday, May 11, 2012

No Cheese!! ??

The hardest thing about going raw has been no cheese. I've struggled, let me tell you and spent months cutting back on how much cheese I was consuming but honestly was no closer to "giving it up completely" but then one day something just clicked and I stopped feeling left out... and I stopped eating cheese.

This blog post is amazing and has lots of helpful information:
I Couldn't Give Up Cheese, So I Gave Up Animal Cruelty Instead

Traveling Raw

Last week I took my daughter on a vacation/birthday celebration trip to Miami...
She turned 21, I turned 48.

I cannot tell you how many fretful hours I spent worrying about food. I researched the menus of every restaurant I could find, mapquested juice bars within walking distance of our hotel and in all the nearby areas of where we were going to be sightseeing the most...

And it was all so unnecessary.

Because, here's the thing.
Raw is easy once you make the decision to embrace the lifestyle.

I actually did better adhering to the lifestyle away from home than while at home... see yesterday's post.
No griddle, no rice, no speed-dial badness...
And the reason is, because I was so afraid cheating would lead to inflammation, which would lead to joint pain, or intestinal misery, that I wasn't willing to take the chance of ruining the few days we were there.

At restaurants I chose juices, fruits, and salads. Period.
I found a grocery in walking distance of the hotel and stocked up on bananas and watermelon.

I found an amazing Thai restaurant/Sushi bar across the road from the hotel that offered a papaya salad that was to die for. Seriously. I could have ate that salad for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day of the visit.

So if you are wondering if you can maintain raw on the road: the answer is, yes you can...if you set your mind to it. Reassure yourself by doing the research before you leave, mapquest your way to juice bars and raw food restaurants if you must, but know that even iHop has a fruit bowl...and salads.

You can do it.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Staying on Course

I haven't posted in awhile...
Which oftentimes on the raw food blogs I get attached to, means the author has either a) experienced a life change which is competing for their time... or b) has fallen completely off the raw-food wagon.

I can't really claim either.
But then again, I'm not really happy with the last three months progress either.

Don't get me wrong, I FEEL GREAT!
My rheumatoid arthritis symptoms are non-existent, my intestinal issues gone... ditto for the migraines.
I've lost weight. My skin is clear. My eyes brighter and vision better than it's been in a decade. My energy is up...

So what's the problem?
Firstly, I'm hovering around 80% raw. Still. I feel like I should have made a full progression in the eighteen months or so I've been doing this and I'm just not. Oh, I could make excuses. I have a zillion or so that come to mind, but they would still be excuses, blaming other people and circumstances for my behavior... and I'm not really an excuse kind of gal. I'll accept my accountability with a spoonful of humility, thank you very much.

I'm weak. Bottom line. And the main temptation I fail to continually (and only very occasionally, but leave me guilt ridden...and usually cursing my digestive system...yes, you would think I would learn after awhile) is pizza. I have my fav pizza joint on speed dial. Oh, I deleted it...once...and I reprogrammed it not even two days later because I was smack dab in the middle of an emotional crisis.

Why does food have to be so emotionally linked?
And why don't I try my hand at a raw pizza? It might work the same magic, if I just gave it a try...

As far as my other temptations...rice (love rice) and tortillas (omg, homemade and hot off the griddle, need I say more?) I'm not sure I'm ready to say no forever to those. And in true moderation... say, as a treat once a week or once every other week...might get me over the hump to staying 95% raw for the long term.

Okay, solution: Find the perfect raw pizza recipe. Period.
And start limiting my "cheats"...
I'll let you know how the strategy seems fairly simple and straightforward. I just gotta do it.

Secondly, I've discovered I'm a lazy blogger.
Oh, it's easy to blog on days I feel like crap, tucked under a blanket, room heated to a perfect 90*F.
But when I feel good?
I'm outside. Hiking. Gardening. Mowing the lawn with a push mower. Climbing at an indoor rock wall. Learning to belly dance!

So maybe I shouldn't be complaining about this one...

The solution would be to set a time, maybe mornings, to blog a recipe, an idea, or just record how successful I am at amping my raw intake back into the 95% range... and maintaining that. Again, I just gotta do it.

I started writing this blog to record whether or not raw food works. It obviously does.
And now, I really want to keep this blog going, in the hope someone who is suffering with disease as I was finds it and is encouraged to give the raw food lifestyle a try.

So, here is to staying on course.
Wish me luck.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Charlotte Gerson on Cancer and Disease

More About Feeling Better

I'm posting a link to this article about Things To Do To Instantly Feel Better, because hey, on a "bad day" anything to take your mind off the pain, right?

Of course I would have made ADOPT A RAW FOOD DIET as Numero Uno...because I honestly now believe that eating a raw food, or mostly raw food diet can and will change your life, your health! I'm living proof and there are thousands roaming the earth just like me. We were able to put down canes, climb out of wheel chairs, get out of bed!

Hope you are having a wonderfully, pain-free day!!

Friday, March 2, 2012


This is the link for a new movie: HUNGRY FOR CHANGE
I hope you will register to watch it for free online. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Make The Connection

The Vegan Society and Environment Films have come together to produce a short contemporary film about the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle. With views on veganism from a wide variety of people, including chefs, an MP, atheletes, a dietician, environmentalists, stock free farmers and a poet, it's a recommended watch.

This is a powerful video series video, please share it.

Chapter One through Chapter Eight can be found on YouTube: 

This is Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New To Raw Food?

New to the Raw Food Diet?
Don't know where to start?

Here's the basics:
Empty the pantry and fridge of all temptations. Too much to "throw away"? Donate or give to a friend who knows you well enough to accept the gift of partially opened and used packages.

Define your goals:
75% raw can be achieved by sticking to all raw 2 out of 3 regular meals if the third meal also includes a large salad and fresh fruit serving.

I struggled for over a year before I "got it right"... trust me, a big change from SAD (Standard American Diet) to a mostly Raw Food Diet is tough. So, first and foremost, be forgiving if you slip up and eat an old stand by, then get right back on the raw wagon...

Second, buy as much organic fresh fruits and veggies as you can, I realize some parts of the world have few choices and just getting fresh fruit and veggies can sometimes be a challenge. If you do have to buy a non-organic, scrub it and peel it, do not eat the peel...

Third, if you are going raw for health reasons, fresh squeezed juice and mostly fruit smoothies are going to heal your body quickly...

Fourth, add greens. Salads are going to become your new best friend...

Fifth, do not underestimate how much you need to eat. Three squares are an ideal of your past. I eat or drink something every two hours from 9am to 7pm, that's six meals. Some are huge, some are small, it depends on how I feel and how hungry I am. If my energy is low or I am shaky (low blood sugar) I gravitate toward a banana and fresh squeezed OJ. Keep a half gallon of fresh squeezed OJ (or your fav juice close at hand)...

Sixth, know how to deal with social situations in advance. Peruse the online menu of a restaurant you will be going to and have a plan. Contact the person hosting holiday parties or dinners and explain that because of "health reasons" you've had to adapt your diet and plan to bring your own meal and/or enough to share a large salad but that you want them to know in advance so their feelings won't be hurt when you refuse to eat the meal they've slaved over:/ ...

So, that's about it. Good luck, and I'm happy to answer questions if you have any.

Monday, February 27, 2012

In A Day

So, what do I eat in a day?
I'm pretty OCD and although the flavors may vary, the routine is mostly the same and averages between 1000 and 1300 calories a day. I drink about 48 ounces clear water, 16 ounces hot herb tea.

9am - 300 cal
 smoothie made with the following:
3 servings fruit (ex: 2 bananas, 1 cup blueberries) 1 scoop protein mix and 4-6oz water
herb tea

11am - 100 cal
 salad (2-3 cups greens, always alternate greens. I rotate between iceburg, romaine, kale, and spinach)
12 oz water

1pm - 150 cal
fruit or 12 ounces juice
12 ounces water

3pm - 150 cal
vegetable toss (I love mixing veggies and coming up with new combinations.)
Current fav is:
dressing: Lime juice, agave nectar, herbs, garlic, sea salt, pepper
veggies: tomatoes, onions, cucumber, peppers, spinach, broccoli, kalamata olives, sunflower seeds
12 ounces water

5pm - 150 cal
fruit or 12 unces juice
12 ounces water

7pm - 300 cal
juice handful nuts or dried fruit
herb tea

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Boulder, CO bans GMO's!

By Golly, Boulder has it right...if we can't win the battle against GMO's nationally, let's take 'em down one city at a time! I wonder who I need to start letter writing to in my area? I've been so focused on the national battle and it appears I need to regroup and refocus my efforts! You can do this to. Together we all win!

In this article, Dr Mercola explains what happened, "In November 2011, about 250 Boulder County residents attended a public meeting to discuss the planting of GM (genetically modified) crops on county-owned land.
Their turnout, together with an anti-GMO (genetically modified organism) recommendation from the county's Food and Agriculture Policy Council, led county officials to vote for a phase out of genetically engineered crops on open space."
I eaxplained it this way on my Facebook page:
"If you care at all about your health you have to be worried about GMO's. When I'm eating raw corn off the cob, it's one thing to worry about whether I washed off all the potential pesticides (if I'm not 100% proof positive it was organic) but it's quite another serious concern worrying about whether than corn is a GMO (most nationally grown US corn is btw)... since my battle started with RA and IBS I've had to ask myself over and over again, "what did I do wrong?" I wasn't that unhealthy of an eater...too much processed food sure, but way less than the standard American family...and I hate to admit, I occasionally indulged in meat, but have since mended my ways because of my horror over factory farms...and yes I consumed way too much sugar, soda and donuts does not a healthy breakfast make... but still, MOST of my American brothers and sisters are facing the same problems I was: weight gain, glucose issues, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, bowel disease in one form or another, autoimmune diseases...AND that makes me believe that the changing of our food supply is in part to blame. GMO's, additives, hormones and antibiotics...they are all part of the puzzle."

Friday, February 10, 2012

Boycott Land O Lakes Products

I am so outraged by this video.
There's cruel and then there's factory farms which is so much worse.

You can read the article here:

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Factory Farms

Factory Farms is one of our biggest issues as a country when it comes to animal cruelty. Please spread the word to speak up against factory farms at every opportunity. As a group we can cause change! This video has so much truth which can build conversation starters and topics if you run out of ideas on how to speak about how you feel. I always find myself tongue tied because I am so emotionally involved with this topic and having "prepared" ideas in my head helps me keep control to some extent when I'm speaking to others about this important topic.

Wayne Pacelle - Animal Factories and the Abuse of Power

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday Banned Ad

You won't see this ad Super Day Sunday! It was banned from being ran during the super bowl because it's too sexy!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Last week was tough, winter finally settled in and I started adding beans and rice back in.
Worse I added all those things that go well with beans and rice... sour cream, cheese, guacamole...
Lots of fat...

Fat makes my joints hurt. The fatigue comes back...
So after three days of that I knew I was in trouble.
It doesn't take long to start feeling bad again.

So I've made peace with winter.

I love looking outside at the gray stormy skies. The ice clinging to the trees is wondrous.
And I'm eating raw through it all.

My morning:
I eat a banana (or two) and drink a glass of orange juice.
Then I warm up with a cup of hot herb tea...

Snack: more fruit or more juice

Lunch: Huge Salad and small bowl of warm (raw) soup

Dinner: Small Salad, Fruit
And usually another cup of herb tea...

Snack: Fruit

I'm learning to love fruit. My favorites are watermelon, bananas, grapes, apples, and tomatoes.
Tomatoes with balsamic syrup is amazing... I don't think balsamic syrup is raw or even available raw, but its helping me stay high-raw and low fat. And that's the most important thing.

Salad is my favorite...and the huge salad I eat at lunch is about 4 cups of greens. It takes a while;)
My favorite dressing is
My second favorite is blue cheese (only raw when I can get the raw blue cheese and make my own dressing which isn't always possible, in which case I have a backup organic brand I bought at the health food store. It isn't vegan but it is so amazing I sometimes use it even though it is my fat gram intake for the whole day in one meal, which leaves me juicing the rest of the day. I plan on that. And sometimes, it's worth it.)

The best thing I've done for myself is to stop labeling myself. Raw. Vegan. Vegetarian. Whatever. I'm eating to improve my health and staying below 10 grams fat and eating live whole foods tops my list. Condiments like a tablespoon of dressing in an entire day may make me no longer able to call myself vegan, but I can call myself healthy and feeling good.

Today I'm winning.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Za'atar Dressing and Salad Recipe

Za'atar is a Middle Eastern Spice Combination that really answered my need for a new zesty salad dressing!

Traditional Za'atar is a mix of sumac, sesame seeds, and thyme. I've also seen oregano and basil used but feel those additions makes the dressing seem a little "Italian" for my preference.

Za'atar Dressing:
Whisk together Juice half lemon + equal amount olive oil 
(I use less because of my fat gram limitations and it is still wonderful, though the oil does help the dressing "cling") 
4 cloves minced garlic
1/2 tsp salt 
1/2 tsp black pepper 
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp Za'atar (grind together 1 part sumac, 2 parts thyme, 1 part ground sesame seeds in mortar)

3 tomatoes, eighth-ed
1/2 sweet onion
1/2 cucumber, diced 
head romaine lettuce torn into bite size pieces 
3T fresh parsley
3 T fresh mint
(add banana peppers and kalamata olives will give the salad a distinct Greek feel)

Toss dressing with Salad and let "rest" at room temp about 30 min for flavors to develop... keeps well in fridge "mixed" overnight if use mix of romaine and iceburg.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Cheaters Never Win

Not having a great day...

Sure the weather has sucked big time... rain, ice, snow...48*F to 2*F and back to 48*F all in the course of a weekend...

But more to the heart of the matter, I've been taking chances with my diet, adding things here and there I know my body hasn't been able to handle well--like a bowl of rice or ounce of cheese. The first day I didn't notice a problem, so I thought, "I can get by with that." I believed a "little won't hurt" but each little added up to more and more... until several weeks later... I looked at my averages, not just by day, excusing one here or there, but really looked... and was shocked to find that my average this week was 24g fat, and the average of the last 2 weeks 22grams...and the farther out I went it didn't get much better. The average for the last two months? 19 grams! My goal is supposed to be a 6-10g daily, or roughly an 8g average based on 800 calories a day = 10%. Even on a 1000 calorie day going over 10 g would be unacceptable.

So what happened?
I could blame the holidays...again.
Or I could just face that my food addictions are a major battle. I don't know anyone who struggles with cravings as much as I do, but I do know breaking this latest cycle has to be priority one. 

Whether my unhappy colon triggers my achy joints or vice versa, the end result is a flair. A big pain day (guts and joints) A fatigue day (how many hour naps do I really need? and how long is long enough to stay awake between naps to justify another?) unhappy day (I'm struggling with depression, I don't want to believe my doctor was right all along and I did just get to enjoy a long remission...)

I want to believe I can win again the diseases shackling my body.

I'm trying to struggle and work through it, but what I really need to do is address the problem. I'm thinking another juice fast and this thirty day recipe plan was just what I was looking for.

I'll keep you posted...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Raw Body Butter

I love body butter... it's just so creamy and luxurious...
And sadly expensive...
And loaded with chemicals...

So when RAWMAZING posted a raw body butter recipe, imagine my excitement!!
I am going to try it this weekend;)

For now, go there and see all the beautiful pictures...
and here's the recipe:

Body Butter
  • 1 cup shea butter
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup almond oil
1. Melt shea butter and coconut oil in the top of a double boiler. Remove from heat and let cool for 30 minutes. 
2. Stir in almond oil and essential oils of your choosing.
3. Wait until oils start to partially solidify then whip until a butter-like consistency is achieved. This should only take a few minutes. 
4. Place in clean, glass jar and enjoy! A little goes a long way.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I'm sharing this video from the article on this page.
The article is Saving Animals From The Plate by David Clein and you can rad the full article at the aforementioned link. It focuses on the efforts being made at the Star Gazing Farm in Virginia.

The Perennial Plate Episode 87: Animal Sanctuary from Daniel Klein on Vimeo.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


When two friends from two different parts of the US call within days of each other to say, "You have to watch this movie, it will change your go in search of the movie!"

From the website: "The feature film Forks Over Knives -- -- examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed foods.

Now I'm in search of the movie, I've been told it is on Netflix...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Big Dreams...Nope... BIG GOALS!

For the last three years I have been laying on the couch, or the floor, or any vertical surface really, grieving over my lost opportunities to do all the things I've ever wanted to do... and wishing I'd done more with my life while my body was healthy... well, no more!
Pain free at last, I am doing yoga every day again. 
I am walking a mile a day again...
I am finally able to take five mile hikes on the weekends again! 
And even though my friends thought I was nuts, and "rushing it", I enrolled in a belly dance class (and I love it! I can't ever remember smiling so much in an hour!)

Today, I had a serious discussion with my hubby about what it will take for me to ever be in good enough physical condition to rock climb again. Yes, my joints are a still a concern because even though I am pain free, that past pain is still a very recent memory, and we don't want them to start hurting again! And the last thing I want is to have to drag the cane back out of the pantry where it is tucked for safe keeping. Hubby thinks and I believe I can build the muscle strength and tendon strength back that I will need to climb again! We talked about helpful equipment: hand grips, hangboards... weights... excercises I can do.

I am so excited! 
I know exactly which yoga postures I need to focus on to rebuild my core strength and huby is willing to supervise my daily weight training... So, I am brushing the dust off the dumbbells later today:)

And despite what my RA doctor thinks (going off my meds is a big mistake... no, staying on my meds and feeling psycho all the time would have been the mistake) or what my DO thinks (my remission is a fluke but he applauds my herculean effort of juicing and raw foods)...
I think...

And YOU can have your life back to... just try raw foods...fresh fruit, fresh veggies... as much juice and water as you can stand... give up the meat, you don't need it, not even for the protein... give up the dairy, you seriously can live without it even though you emotionally believe you can't right now... give up the microwave!
The benefits so outweigh the negatives!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


vegan defined: a person who does not eat or use animal products.

Tonight I didn't make it to the Vegan Meet-Up I've been looking forward to for weeks... circumstances beyond my control stepped in. In response, I heard from friends and/or relatives, "It's probably for the best... I mean, your not EXACTLY vegan, are you?" or similar phrases...

So in review:

1. I am a mostly RAW FOODIST that on occasion eats steamed vegetables.

2. ON rare occasions I will eat raw cheeses from farms that meet my high standard for housing, care, use of organics, stance of antibiotics and/or hormones, and grazing.
3. On even rarer occasions I consume grains.

4. I eat the occasional egg (last year 2011, I consumed 6 eggs; so far in 2012 I've consumed no eggs thus far) but only if I know where it was collected from and that the collection meets my hard-core standard on housing, free-range, and I believe those eggs were collected in a caring manner ie the owner loves and treats there hens as loved and respected members of their family.

5. I consume honey because I know beekeepers love their bees and will do anything to protect and preserve their hives, including the careful, respectful collection processes.

6. I am against inhumane treatment of all animals ie unnecessary violence including but not limited to domestic violence, domestic animal neglect and abuse, domesticated animal fighting, and factory farms.

7. I carry a leather purse that is a treasured gift made by a man who respected the life given to create the product and as such is one of my "high power items" as much talisman as carry-all.
I have two pairs of leather shoes that are in the same shape they were twenty years ago when I bought them.

Why does any of this really matter? Because it means I am not 100% vegan. In the eyes of every vegan I've ever met, you are either vegan or you are not vegan. Which begs the question, do I have any business going to a vegan support group meeting? In my mind yes... maybe I'm wrong...maybe I'd offend every single person in the room... won't know til I make a meeting.

Here's the thing. This is OHIO. Finding another RAW FOODIST is next to Impossible. Finding a raw-food or vegetarian group in my area is equally so. There is however a vegan group and I am in search of a friend base that will offer support on my down days, share their experiences of different restaurants, and grocers, and point me in the right direction of products I am seeking.

Who else am I going to have this conversation: "this awesome new hand-sanitizer hasn't been tested on animals!" and have the listener care?

Who else am I going to gripe to about factory farms? The high percentage of dog fights north of here? Or would care that I've owned two such "rescued dogs" from a future of violence?"

No, I am not a strict vegan. And I'm not apologetic about that because my heart is at peace with my choices but in lieu that I am 95% raw, I am a vegan eater 95% of the time.

I hope the vegan group will be more supportive than some of those people who want to give me advice...
Because I am trying to live the healthiest, most humane life I can...

Monday, January 9, 2012

Why Does The RAW Food/Living Food Diet Heal?

Medical professionals and Scientists seem stumped. My RA doctor and family practitioner believe that I am experiencing a remission that is a fluke... as they both summed up in their own words "Sometimes it happens but don't expect it (feeling better) to last."

Oh, I expect it will last... as long as I remain >90% raw vegan, <10% fat, rare use of oil, grains, nuts, or seeds

So why do I think raw food works? Same reason as most raw foodists who have seen miracles:

1. Easier and Faster Digestion: Fact is that only the enzymes available in living foods are capable of aiding in digestion. All health or illness begins in the intestine (aside from trauma).

2. Raw food is full of antioxidants, simple sugars, enzymes, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals in their most digestible and utilizable form. Which provides more energy for being active. Active people are generally healthier people.

3. The high alkalinity, high water content, high fiber in living foods cleanse and heal.

4. Raw foodists AVOID toxins and pesticides, choosing organic and local first. A local, organic diet is healthier.

And lets face it... being thinner, leaner, more active, more muscular, full of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, and empty of high fat, artery and intestinal clogging foods... is there any doubt?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Movie Friday: The Future of Food

This is a full length film... the volume isn't great, I had to use headphones, but the information is informative and valuable. It has reinforced my concerns about GMO's and the Monsanto Monopoly. If you garden, save seeds..if you don't have heirloom varieties, I encourage you to start...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Belly Dance Class

Last night I went to my first ever belly dance class!
Because I've always wanted to learn and never taken the time... and because for the last three years, while I've been stuck on the couch in so much pain I couldn't stand myself I've been thinking of all the things I should have done before I got too old...
Well, I'm here to tell you... 47 is not to old to belly dance and my hubby's fears that I might suffer a set-back and be crippled up again this am were unfounded...
I feel GREAT! Better than ever!
And I am more excited now than ever that a mostly raw food, all vegan, very low-fat diet has been my answer!

So when my daughters complained I'm watching too many factory farm videos... I didn't cave to their concerns. I explained I am able to maintain vegan because I have a heart! I can't stand the thought of inhumane treatment of any animal, especially animals meant for food...

So here is a video that proves I don't have to be all doom and gloom all the time... vegans do have a sense of humor...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

B Vitamin Supplementation

I supplement with a B Vitamin Complex daily. It's never been a question of whether I should or shouldn't. It's a matter of being smart about known facts. And one hard core fact of being vegan and raising vegetarian children is that it is impossible to get enough Vitamin B5, B6, and B12 through only fruits and vegetables to be sufficient and deficiency can be disastrous. This concession to my diet is seen by some as a sell out because it reinforces the idea that we are "meant" to be carnivores. I disagree.

Here's an article about "how healthy a raw food diet is".. I don't exactly applaud the use of some of their sources, but there are some interesting thoughts...

The truth is (research it if you want) Vitamin B12 specifically comes from a bacteria produced in the guts of animals and then absorbed into their tissues. Once upon a time this bacteria was readily available in our soil and water supplies, and humans couldn't avoid it if they tried, but pollution and over chemical sterilization of our water has eliminated the availability of naturally occurring Vitamin B12.

Naysayers can argue that we can get adequate B absorption through vegetables, seaweed, etc... but live in the vegan community long enough and you will begin to see how rampant a problem deficiency is. So why chance it? I know for a fact that I will never consume 7-8 cups of kale or other dark leafy green in a single day to even come close to getting enough Vitamin B...

Here's a nifty article of Vitamin B in the vegan diet

Not to scare anyone, but there are an entire host of health problems that occur from B vitamin deficiency, including anemia, mental deterioration, schizophrenia, and in severe cases paralysis... so do your research, measure your risk level, and hopefully opt for supplementation...

I use a liquid B Complex sublingual, which is absorbed through the mucous membrane under my tongue. I like this option because I don't have to worry about malabsorption through my intestine. I also don't have to arrange for injections...

Monday, January 2, 2012

Another Attempt To Hide What We Are Eating

It is well documented that high fructose corn syrup causes health problems, including diabetes and obesity. It is also documented that HFCS contains GMO's, so is it any wonder sales are down? Or that the manufacturers and marketers of HFCS and their products are fighting back by trying to get a name change from the FDA, which would make finding their products on a food label next to impossible? I can't say I'm surprised, but this article is still troubling.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011: Looking Back: Vegans In The News

Girlie Girl Army reported that it was a busy media year for Celebrity Vegans! Check out this article for the Who's Who rundown!

I love that Mike Tyson dropped 100 pounds changing his diet!
Laughed out loud that Portia de Rossi was quoted as saying that being Vegan was harder than being Gay.
And thrilled Forks Over Knives made the cut!

More Celebrities in the news:
Tennis Pros Venus Williams and Serena Williams are apparently trying a raw vegan help improve their health. This Vegetarian article shares that Natalie Portman, Alicia Silverstone, Olivia Wilde, Pamela Anderson, Bill and Chelsea Clinton are also vegetarians.

And my favs:
Woody Harrelson, Demi Moore, Darryl Hannah and Alicia Silverstone.

Alicia Silverstone wrote The Kind Diet... on my list to buy in 2012!!

Sooo, I'm not normally a celeb gossip follower but anytime I find out someone is vegan or a raw foodist I make a mental note... maybe because I know that sometime, somewhere I will meet someone that won't consider even hearing about raw from moi, but if I toss out a tidbit like "(insert famous name here) is a raw foodist (or vegan) it might get an otherwise impossible conversation started:)

I hope all of you a healthy happy New Year... and I know I am looking forward to being very active this year because I am maintaining more raw every day AND starting today I am tossing grains -- I said goodbye to oatmeal this morning, making 1/4 cup of Irish Steel Cut topped with 1 cup fresh fruit, but eating only a few bites (my dog gobbled up the rest) and all of the fruit, totally 2 bananas, 1/2 cp blueberries, 1/4 cp pineapple, 1 T raw organic coconut, a 1 T raw macadamia nuts... "I don't need no stinkin' oatmeal that rips up my intestines and makes my joints scream!"

Today is Day 1 of 100%Vegan...
Staying mostly RAW...

New Year's Resolution

Got A Veggie Tray?

Anyone resolving to begin a healthier lifestyle this year? Is a fruit and vegetable based diet a part of that plan?

What do you hope to gain by your efforts?

Here's my "short list" of goals for 2012:

1. Stay Mostly-Raw-Vegan, limit fat intake, remove most nuts, grains, and seeds.

2. Exercise Daily 
(walking and yoga)
(I would also like to add a weekly activity...maybe indoor rock wall climbing or belly dance)

3. Read More and Stay Informed
(this journey has opened my eyes to all of the hidden horrors of exactly what goes into our food and I intend to expose what I learn to anyone willing to listen)

4. Be More Involved
(animals are being abused in our country--for food purposes--and whether it's writing letters or sharing expose videos on my blog, I intend to be even more actively involved. )

5. Be more social
(I've been cooped up for so long, I feel like a hermit...most of my friends have fallen by the wayside. I intend to reconnect... and establish a new network of friends. I already joined a vegan support group... and I hope to find other areas I can expand into)

I hope you will share yours with me!