Saturday, December 3, 2011

Healing Crisis

Today I ended up at the doctor...Day Three of my juice fast...

It was unscheduled, unplanned...and my head said, "You don't need to go to the doctor, this is a healing crisis...stay on path." my guts said, "Screw that, call the doctor, I'could be dying here."
Yes, the pain is that bad... to the doctor I went and he has ZERO CLUE what is wrong with me.
Through a few questions and a urine sample he determined it wasn't a urinary tract, bladder, or kidney infection. He doesn't think it's Crohn's or an etopic pregnancy...
He does want to rule out an ovarian cyst, colon cancer, diverticulitis, and or an injury to my spleen so on Monday... I'm scheduled for a CAT Scan... which utterly and totally sucks but will relieve my family and to some extent myself of worry that something is seriously wrong. But...if all else is ruled out then I have to go with what my intuition is telling me and that this is a healing crisis.

What exactly is a healing crisis?
Basically, it can present in any form...sinus infection, flu symptoms...basically the body is trying to rid itself of toxins during a detoxification process (like a juice fast) and the more ill (toxic) the body before the more dramatic the crisis can be...

And the suggested treatment for a Healing Crisis quoted directly from this page:
Recommended Treatment
During a healing crisis, it is important that the cleansing program be continued. Continued cleansing will help the body rid itself of released toxins and diseases forever. Following these simple steps may help to relieve some of the symptoms of the healing crisis.

  • Drinking plenty of fresh water helps the body eliminate released toxins.
  • Increasing fiber intake and taking supplements to cleanse the colon and kidneys will also help to accelerate the elimination of toxins.
  • If fatigued, give the body rest
  • Meditation can help to manage symptoms such as strong emotions and mood swings

I did pick up a fiber blend at the pharmacy to help eliminate the toxins quicker and I will be increasing my water intake for the duration of my juice feast, which...ahemmm, I will begin anew tomorrow...

Yes, going to the doctor caused me to totally freak out and fall off the wagon in a big way and I am embarrassed and disappointed in myself even though I know I am in a very fragile state of recovery and need now more than ever to try to hold it together...

Forgive and Move on...

I'm not going to restart the clock because despite everything I did manage to stay at 75% raw and 75%juice today...but still, totally and utterly remorseful.

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