Thursday, December 1, 2011

Oops...I Did It Again...

So, I thought I had the raw vegan, super low fat diet under control, because I was feeling so much better...I then somewhere deep in my brain I decided red rice and half a tortilla should be okay...ya know, just to add variety.

Wrong, wrong, wrong.
My body is trying its best to heal...and I keep sabotaging it by eating what I want and trying to justify it. In this case, because Macrobiotics was such a big influencer in my childhood, I justified that whole grain, bran intact rice would be okay, ditto on a whole grain tortilla. Obviously my body was not ready for either...

And I need to get over the "What I Want To Eat" and embrace "Food Is My Healing Tool"... medicine isn't always pleasant... and it isn't that my raw diet isn't good, super yummy's just that I am so trapped in food emotion I want things I know might be bad for me or hurt me because they seem like "comfort foods" even though they rip my guts to shreds...or leave me feeling like my guts are being ripped to shreds.

I hurt. A lot. You would think this would be lesson enough.

So, I am now facing an unplanned Juice Feast...I'm not even going to commit to a number of days... two? five? ten? at least until I feel a tremendous amount better and then a few days after that.

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